Learning is subjective because you might give
tons of information to some, and they end up learning nothing.
It is not in the control of the trainers if
the person is learning or not, but only the participant of the learning program
can control what and how much they should be learning.
Usually, the learning is dependent on the
interest of the learner and the intensity of motivation they have.
Okay, we can give the information to the learner
and can’t make them learn. Got the point! But what we definitely can do is
create a learning environment which will motivate people to learn.

Each one of us has some type of motivation,
but sometimes we just need some push to awake that motivation. The job is to
figure out the learners, so the efforts and time are not wasted.
Most people are motivated when they can
interpret some type of meaning from learning. Take, for example, you are providing leadership training to employees, but they are not interested
then you have to dig up why they are behaving like this way.
You need to show the importance that this leadership training will change their career or lead to personal growth.
Employees Motivation in Training and Development
There are several ways you can hit the
right note for the employees’ motivation during training. This article
has discussed some of the ways to stir the motivation of the training
Ensure the real value of the training:
Gone are the days when you can just teach
anything on the name of training. There is no hypothetical value of the course
because this generation is more aware and active about their
learning. Thus you have to come up with the value of the training which is relevant and demand of the market.
What you can do is have the learning goals
with a heading of what should you be learning by the end of this course.
This will help them understand the value and what should they expect from this
Reward them:
Who doesn't like a small token of
appreciation? We all do.
So this is another tip to motivate your
learners. Rewards do not have to be tangible as they can be appreciated, a
round of applause, or just mentioning the name in a good way will do.
It will make the whole training session exciting and
keep people active just for the sake of the reward.
Clear out your expectations:
Being a corporate
trainer, you will have some kind of expectations from the training
programs, so you have to communicate those to the participants as
Most of the learners are not aware of what
they should be learning, so once you will let them know the expectations, they
will be able to stay focus.
For example, with the leadership training courses in Dubai, there are a set
number of expectations and are communicated to the participants on time for
effective learning.
However, do not go rigid for the outcome or
the end results. Instead, you can go for learning and let them fail once or
twice to improve the learning process.
Final thoughts:
No matter how great course is if the
employees are not motivated, then it will be of no use. Use these tips to help
the employees stay motivated and learn from the course.
All you have to do is find a point or the ways
which work best for your learners!
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